+39 347 30 15 903

Farm-house on the Ionian coast of calabria

Farm holiday accommodation Calabria, masseria accommodation in Calabria, farm, Villa vittoria, Farm restaurant in Calabria, park of the serre, Boat trips, Water Sports, Flights on the hang Glider, Kaulon Archaeological Park, farm holidays villa vittoria
Farm holiday accommodation Calabria, masseria accommodation in Calabria, farm, Villa vittoria, Farm restaurant in Calabria, park of the serre, Boat trips, Water Sports, Flights on the hang Glider, Kaulon Archaeological Park, farm holidays villa vittoria

Agriturismo Villa Vittoria C.da Botteria snc   88065 GUARDAVALLE (CZ)

CIN: IT079061B555UBDELU CIR: 079061-AGR-00007


PI 02192680797 - CF. SMA VTR 47E 42E 2390  - C.U. KRRH6B9 – PEC

Mobile +39 347 30 15 903 


Agriturismo Villa Vittoria, and the Masseria Torre Zuvinu are located on the Ionian Coast of Calabria, surrounded by beautiful countryside.





Through this route, participants will visit places and structures that belonged to our ancestors, being able, as in a real film, to see what life was like on a farm, who the protagonists were and what they did in an uncontaminated and self-sufficient context.

The Zuino fund evolves over the centuries, undergoing all the historical, economic and social events that have taken place, as well as natural events. From the construction of the tower, as a fortress, to the addition of structures and sheds for the transhumance stopover, to the transformation into a modest farm that will become, what is today defined, an agricultural company.

The oldest part is certainly the tower around which courtyards were added, used for the rest of the flocks in transhumance, the planimetric layout of these "jazzi" will influence the future planivolumetric shape; In fact, perhaps in the 18th century. the fortress will be transformed into a farm and along the entire perimeter, overlapping the existing one, there will be granaries, accommodation for farm workers and employees, ovens, mills, stables, rooms for pressing olives and grapes. All this was certainly possible as the agglomeration was in a very favorable position both for communication routes and for its proximity to the Assi river, the latter one of the most important waterways in the area. Later, other housing structures were added, linked to the "master's" need to move to the countryside periodically.

The vast olive groves present in the area led to the construction of the large oil mill, first driven by the power of water, and then, in 1924, by the hydraulic turbine. The flood of 1951 brought the local economy to its knees, and the Zuino suffered damage to crops and hydraulic structures which were not
never rebuilt again, also because they are no longer necessary as their function is performed by electricity. In 1970 the millstones of the mill were moved to the garden of the former owners' house, while all the rest of the "machine" was sold to second-hand dealers. The original project of the Zuino oil mill was recently recovered in the historical archives of the Veraci company of Florence, from which the transformations undergone by the complex and all the machinery that were present can be deduced.


Fin dall'arrivo i visitatori saranno coinvolti nel percorso "dell'acqua" che partendo a monte, della fiumara Assi, vi ritornava a valle, passando per orti e frutteti, mulini ad acqua e trappeti idraulici, abitazioni e stalle, alla scoperta dell'uso eco- sostenibile di questo prezioso elemento.


 L’ambiente rurale nell’’alveo della fiumara Assi, e l’acqua come motore del sistema produttivo e di sopravvivenza.
Il sito dello Zuino è sicuramente strategico per il controllo della foce della fiumara, ma anche molto favorevole per l’economia agricola della masseria. La fiumara Assi, nel suo ambito fluviale, custodisce i segni di diversi siti importanti, dai monasteri, ai mulini, ai borghi; l’attrazione è sicuramente
l’abbondanza della sua acqua, bastante anche nei mesi più caldi. Si pensi cosa significava per un mulino poter lavorare tutto l’anno, per un frantoio avere forza motrice abbondante, per una masseria o monastero che fosse, avere acqua per tutte le necessità.

L’acqua della fiumara è deviata, per mezzo della “presa”, a monte, nei pressi di Tagliaferro”, la “gora”, correndo per circa un km guidava l’acqua al mulino dello Zuino, posto nei pressi dell’omonimo ponte sulla riva sinistra, dove la forza di caduta del ruscello mette in funzione l’impianto di macinatura, da qui continua il suo cammino, lungo la gora e il ponte canale, sino ad arrivare alla rapida del frantoio azionando la ruota idraulica, che ne avvia l’impianto di molitura. Dalla vasca di caduta entrava in un canale sotterraneo che la conduceva al fosso S. Andrea affluente della stessa fiumara. Qui l’acqua finiva il suo percorso per riprenderne un altro nella presa successiva. L’acqua adempie a molte altre necessità: le stelle regolano i turni per annaffiare le piantagioni e la tegola ( 1, 2,3 ciaramidi) era l’unità di misura per quantificare l’acqua spettante in rapporto all’estensione della terra. I canali d’irrigazione guidavano l’acqua negl’angoli più remoti delle terre da irrigare, e lungo il suo percorso portano l’acqua davanti alle case alle stalle, negli orti.

Nei pressi delle abitazioni i sassi creano piccole vasche e su una tavola o una lastra di pietra si lavano gli indumenti improvvisando un lavatoio e nelle stesse vasche sono messi ammollo la ginestra o altri arbusti utili per la fabbricazione dei filati. Nella fiumara, in occasione del cambio di stagione o di matrimoni, avviene il rito della “vucata” vale a dire la famiglia che si riunisce per lavare la dote, sterilizzandola con acqua calda e cenere, in vasche di terracotta.


Il ' trappeto alla Genovese ' è the flagship of Masseria Zuvinu, the visit to this factory will lead us through all the technological evolutions of the time, from the Persian wheel to the hydraulic turbine, from the engine to explosion of


electrical energy produced by a hydraulic dynamo ...... ​All around the tower is the mill, it is composed of six rooms with main functions, and you enter it from a covered atrium,

where storage took place of the olives before milling. In the main room are located all the processing machines, in particular the millstones, driven by the hydraulic turbine, one at the level of the floor, the other in a room at a higher level obtained in the attic, from where the turbine was started and therefore the whole plant was started up. Attached to the oil mill we find the large dining room on four levels with twelve tanks, where by means of the water ua coming from the bridge - canal and with the system of communicating vessels the progressive decantation of the oil took place, the water was evenly distributed in the four highest dining rooms, through an articulated system of mini-ducts made with terracotta bricks. The settling residues ended up in the last tank and from here they were disposed of in the nearby stream through an underground channel that could be inspected at times. The corridor, between the owner ’s house and the oil mill, hosted the wheel first and the turbine after as well as the water fall and disposal system, the latter coming from the river through the millpond and the bridge - canal; connected to the main room, with a large entrance also from the outside, we find the oil deposit and below, in the same building, we find the oven and a granary. All these buildings are characterized by simplicity, as they were created to comply with work functions, the roofs copy those of the buildings already described but with a simpler shape such as the windows and doors, and are often without plaster. also inside, with the exception of the oven which was renovated on December 3, 1946


The "tower", present in the Masseria Zuvinu , and the entire defensive system around it, will introduce us to fascinating stories of Turks and Saracens, of castles and outposts defending the territory.

In the past, fortresses and towers were created to be included in the circuit of defense works, including public ones, in an outpost position, between the sea and urban centers located on the hills, or simply to defend private property. Most of the towers were built before the 17th century; for that of Zuino it has not yet been possible to have certain information on the time of construction, however, it can be stated that its functions were sighting and defense, this can be seen from the formal characteristics, orientation and position compared to the context of the towers, inhabited centers and castles of the area.
The Zuino tower, an architectural structure characterizing the farm and identifying the place, born as a defense work, is barycentric with respect to the buildings connected to the main house, with a square base, (6m x 6m) and rises on three floors above ground, of which the first and second have now become a wing of the owner's house, while the ground floor with independent entrance has been transformed into an annex to the oil mill. The tower is similar to many other buildings created for the same purpose, further united by the characteristics of the site, as they are located in places where it is easy to control the movements of any mercenaries who landed on the nearby beaches.

Unlike almost all other buildings, for obvious reasons, it has small and undersized entrances, even the windows are very small and those on the top floor are accompanied by slits, for housing the arquebuses; the mobile sill allows the evacuation of boiling liquids to be poured on the attackers, furthermore, to facilitate the manoeuvre, granite shelves are arranged for each window on which to place the containers.
All the jambs, both horizontal and vertical, of the openings are made with massive granite parallelepipeds and the entrances differ from the windows due to the cambering of the architrave and the presence of thresholds worked on the front. At the base, the Tower has a slight ramming of the corners which increases the support base, while the pavilion roof is composed of a wooden frame with a covering of tiles and roof tiles, protruding from the wall perimeter, through of the eaves produced by a double genoise, beneath which are the accommodations for the pigeons, the latter with the fluttering of their wings aroused the soldiers from sleep in the event of a night attack. The room on the ground floor is completely arched, denoting a barrel vault, while the middle floor is covered by a wooden attic. The hours of the day are marked by a sundial located on the main facade. A characteristic element is the bridge-passage, created through a curved walkway, with masonry parapets, which directs us to the entrance to the intermediate floor, composed of a large room with fireplace and wooden staircase to access the top floor. The shutters and doors are all made of thick wood, with a simple design, protected by diamond-shaped metal grates as in the case of the light socket located in the entrance on the ground floor.

The property by the spouses Perronace, is divided in two bodies corporate, Butteria and Zuvino, separated from the bed of the fiumara Assi, in the first seat of the farmhouse, in the second area is located on the ancient "Masseria of the Zuvino".


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